Teaser of the MOOC “Proaktiv smarte Entscheidungen treffen” (In German)

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Do you want to make better (career) decisions? Then you’ve come to the right place. It is deciding “what career you want to pursue” or “what job you choose” that will change your life, hopefully for the better. You have it in your own hands through your decisions.

Opt for the free MOOC: “Proactively make smart decisions.” There you will learn practical methods to quickly make better decisions in the future. In this course, you will learn, among other things:

  • Formulate decision problems correctly
  • Identify relevant objectives and values
  • Structure objectives correctly
  • Systematically identify the courses of action that are attractive to me
  • Assess the consequences of your own courses of action – And more!

You can find more information about the free online course here: https://imoox.at/course/smartentscheiden. It is the best-evaluated course on the MOOC platform IMooX. (4.98 of 5 stars). (The course language is German. All eight videos have carefully translated subtitles in English)