Proactive Decision-Making Skills Enhance Life Satisfaction and Can Be Trained

There is good news, especially for those who teach or participate in #decision-makingcourses and those who want to have a better life. We have gathered empirical evidence suggesting that, firstly, good, proactive# decision-makingskills can be trained and, secondly, these skills explain a substantial share of the variance of #lifesatisfaction. Taken together, by participating in #decision-makingcourses actively, you can learn how to make better decisions, and as a consequence, you are more satisfied with your life.
In this video, I summarize latest research results and their theoretical foundation.


Siebert JU; Kunz R 2015. Developing and Validating the Multidimensional Proactive Decision-Making Scale. Special Issue “Behavioral Operations Research”, European Journal of Operational Research, 249(3) 2016, 864-877,

Siebert, JU; Kunz, R; Rolf P 2020. Effects of Proactive Decision Making on Life Satisfaction. European Journal of Operational Research, 280(1) 2020, 1171-1187,

Siebert, JU; Kunz R, Rolf P 2021. Effects of decision training on individuals’ decision-making proactivity. European Journal of Operational Research, 294 (1), 264-282,…